If your school or office blocks a good portion of the web for "productivity's" sake, Redditor sidewayssammich shares a useful tip: just plug a site into Google Translate to view it.

The 'Great Firewall' of China China has increased its internet censorship as part of a wider effort by Xi Jinping to consolidate power. How to Bypass Paywalls at Popular News Sites | Gizmo's Jun 10, 2019

Aug 21, 2019

Allowing Minecraft Traffic Through the Firewall. Your Internet-facing router acts as a firewall to protect your private internal network. A physical firewall is a divider that separates the passenger compartment from the engine compartment in an automobile; here the word “firewall” takes on a literal meaning. How To Get Into Blocked Websites in School To learn how to get past blocked websites at school you’ll need to know a bit about the school Internet filter. If you want to be able to control your Internet access, these tips can help. When running into blocked sites really slows your progress down, it might be time to find a way to bypass an Internet filter and school firewalls. The 'Great Firewall' of China

Jan 20, 2017

porn sites that arent blocked? | Yahoo Answers Jun 17, 2007 21 Ways to Access Blocked WebSites at School and Work